Cameron Sherry

Hi there! I'm a fullstack developer and designer, with a focus on frontend development. My current stack is React, Next.js, TailwindCSS, TypeScript, and GraphQL. I'm currently looking for a full-time position as a frontend developer!

Got Experience?
From rewriting core infrastructure code for online learning to building serverless intermediary caching functions for production microservices, I've got experience!
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See My Work
Take a peek at some of the awesome projects I've worked on!

My Personal Site

A beautiful site build with React, TypeScript, NextJS, Tailwind, and GraphQL!


A feature rich e-commerce site built with React, TypeScript, NextJS, Tailwind, and PrismaORM with full Stripe integration.

Gear Up Workouts

An app that intelligently generates customized workouts, built with Angular, Ionic, Tailwind, Flask, and MongoDB.
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Contact Me
Trying to reach me? Don't worry, I got a page for that!
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